Monday, February 09, 2009

More Films

Oh dear, that post which got lost in cyberspace, seems to have been permanently deleted.

It was basically a comment on Slumdog Millionaire (have you seen it yet?) and The Pursuit of Happyness (Have you seen that one yet either?). Both great films; check them out.

I saw Revolutionary Road last night. I would not recommend it. I would nearly say 'Don't go see it' but that wouldn't be fair. And yes I can appreciate the great acting from Leo & Kate but my gosh, talk about a boring film. I kept hoping for it to be over. Possibly only the second time in my life where I have felt that way about a film (the other time was Legally Blonde 2).

Anyway, to get back to the point, the kidnapped and deleted post contained the most crucial paragraph of all - and I post it with just a hint of trepidation (no, in my case, that's not an exaggeration) - but at the moment, I'm feeling really, really great. That chronic cough that shouted to the world anytime I got a shock or whenever I laughed seems to have gone dormant. Or better still, gone away.

I'm still taking Azithromycin every other day (and for me, gosh that gets complicated) but it really seems to be working! Hip, hip.