Friday, June 15, 2007

I got hungry. Remind me never, ever, EVER to get hungry outside the comfort of my own home again. Ever. I was babysitting. Having successfully raided their sweet and chocolate drawer I was still peckish. I decided to bite my lip and do nothing. I crossed my legs, uncrossed them, crossed them but I was still hungry. I then went and stared out the window at the rain pouring down in a melodramatic fashion; the rain acting as a metaphor for my tears of HUNGER. After spending a few seconds doing this I moved around but I was still hungry. I don't know where all that food actually goes, because it certainly didn't turn the 'I'm hungry' switch off like it was supposed to!

And then it hit me. I remembered. Their biscuit cupboard. The last time I was there, they had these uber fancy Italian bread stick things, that were like pencils and tasted delicious. I raced as fast as I could calmly made my way to said cupboard. I looked up (it's a high cupboard) and admired it affectionately. A very itsy bitsy teeny weeny tear came to my eye...Or maybe that was dust - quite possibly dust actually...

I reached my hand up and slowly opened the press door. I spotted the bread sticks immediately, gleaming like a long lost child of mine (that I've never had) and then, as if my eyes suddenly came into focus, I noticed the open packet of McVities balancing precariously in front. Balancing poorly. And just as I thought it, it happened. The McVities wobbled to and fro and then to. I tried to close the press as fast as i could, but it was too late. The packet just fell. I actually managed to trap the bag inside the press successfully, but the contents had fallen and snowed (a LOT of crumbs in those biccies) ALL. OVER. THEIR. COUNTER. And I mean ALL. I was in shock. I opened the press to let the now empty wrapper float down. Mocking me.

And after that? I felt hungry no longer. Nothing like a great big mess to clean up that you stupidly created to make you forget about your real problems...