Friday, January 12, 2007

As always happens when I have a bronchoscopy done, my blood sugars went a bit mental. Now nothing too high, but being a perfectionist, I don't like them high at all! So last night I took a higher dose of my 24hour insulin, in hopes that things (sugars) would be a bit lower. I rose at 9am to take my anti-rejection medications and crawled back into bed. I then rose again at 2,30pm. This would suggest that I probably was having a hypo this morning, or the morphine I took on Wednesday was still hiding in my body. Or maybe I should go to bed earlier...

I munched my way through a bowl of Muddles this afternoon, and overdosed on insulin again! The plan was to remove the feeding tube today, but for a few reasons I'm going to wait until tomorrow night. For one, when I do finally, eventually get rid of little Mickey (who has been living rent free in my tummy for the last 6months), I will be left with a hole in my stomach. This should close up pretty quickly, but I would rather I be at home if anything starts 'leaking' out, not serving some laxative or other product to an elderly customer. Secondly, I have to plan out what I'm going to do with it exactly. I can't just toss it in the bin now... Anyway, I'll post some photos (old and new) of the life and times of Peg and Mickey this evening. Peg, was my first feeding tube; Mickey was my second.

My plans for this evening are to upload my song up on to my brand new spanking ipod. I will probably tune in and see Charlie getting murdered in Coronation street. I may even switch in and watch a bit of Big Bother..oops, Brother this evening too. Your man Leo 'everybody was Kung Fu fighting' Sawyer has left this afternoon. Does anyone care? Probably not...

I'm going in search of food now. I will post photos later...

Song for t'day: Land of a Thousand Words - Scissor Sisters