Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Today was clinic today where I had my review. An overall summary (full review can be found in the Red Book blog) goes as follows:
No blood taken despite four attempts. I'll go back on Thursday or Friday with the hope of more success. All signs are that everything is continuing to go as planned thank goodness. Bring on Christmas!

I finally made a start with my shopping, but my legs got tired so I picked up a MacDonald's and headed home. The minute I left Dundrum though, it pelted down with rain, resulting in me standing in the doorway of some pub or other. After about 10 minutes of constant waiting, I decided to just cut my losses and run ( all the way up hill I might add). The minute I left though, the rain subsided. Now why didn't I just do that 10 minutes ago?! What is it with weather and me? Eileen kept me up half the night last night in some seedy pub (only joking- you can't beat the Goat Grill!) so I'm a little tired today.

My great news for today is that I got the all clear to go ski-ing after Christmas! I am so excited!! The Baby Jesus was put back in the crib today. Luckily I discovered this error early on so the situation was rectified quickly. I really need to write my Christmas cards soon, as too many have been arriving making me feel very guilty. If any of you receive your cards in January, don't be offended. The most important thing is that they arrive in the end. I wonder do An Póst do a January sales on stamps...