Wednesday, December 27, 2006

  • Goodness, today was a lazy day. I felt I deserved one anyway, because it's Christmas so why not?

    Balancing the complete and utter lazy lifestyle (under the guise of the 'lady of leisure' title) my mom suggested we go for a walk together with the dog. When I say 'walk' I actually mean **WALK** like a power walk, and when I say together, I actually mean 'five paces behind my mom' (I'm slow), and when I say 'dog', I do actually mean 'dog'.

    I got to wear my brand new spanking hat with ear covers which is viewable
    here, but mine is in bougainvillea (also known as pink). So I set off, nice and prepared, with my hair looking particularly blonde.

    It was very misty and foggy out, and it would appear that the mist was in our ears as well. When I was in Vincents, I would have to stay in a 6bedded bay, with all the other patients being elderly, and most of the time, suffering from dementia (and deafness). Consequently the conversations that would take place between these old dears usually went along the lines of:
  • "Oh isn't it a glorious day outside?""
  • Ohh, it's delicious, very tasty!"
  • "The sun is very bright, it must be warm"
  • "Yes the toast was nice, but the sausages were funny"
  • "Fred should have no problem getting over today"
  • "Yes, my tea was cold too"
  • If I hadn't been so sick or fed up in that place, I would have laughed. Anyway, a joke is only really funny the first few times; when you spend a total of about 3 months in such a place, not only does the 'joke' appear less funny, more irritating, but you actually get used to having such ridiculous conversations with other people.
  • Anyway, this evening on our walk, I was reminded of these times, as with my mother (the one who walked five paces ahead of me in case anyone forgot) with my hat with ear covers. One snippet from my conversation with her went like this:
  • "Ugh I think I have heartburn, yuck"
  • "Now, I just love what they did with that house!"
  • "Eww, I can taste the garlic bread I ate..."
  • "They really made great use of the space in the front"
And then earlier when I stepped in a puddle (pesky puddle) I exclaimed:
  • "Oh shoot, darn puddle"
  • "Did you just walk in that puddle...I told you to "watch the puddle"
  • "I didn't even hear you say anything"
  • It bothered me slightly that she wasn't listening to me and my woes, or rather that she couldn't hear me. And so this sort of 'round in circles' having two different conversations went on for a while. For most of the walk in fact. Much like our walk itself. We walked past a million or so houses (OK slight exaggeration), which all looked pretty similar, but yet all had their unique touch, be it lights in the porch, rows of roses. In the dark though, there was no distinguishable features. I guess that's just one of the things about living in the 'afureas' (suburbs).
  • Anyway, aside from these most peculiar conversations which made one question their sanity at times, the walk did me good. I'm going to do some proper exercise tomorrow, either skiing or swimming or something of the sort. Having eaten far too many chocolate, and even taken insulin specifically to match all the chocolate I've been eating, I think I need to make sure I don't become a couch potato. Wait, who am I kidding, I'm already a couch potato. I think I'll put 'couch potato' on my wish list for cures.