Sunday, November 12, 2006

Things I put up with...(1)

Me: Hi, can I have a large fries and nine chicken nuggets please?
Mac Donald's worker: NINE chicken nuggets??
Me: (sheepishly) Yes....Nine please..
Mac Donalds worker: Don't you want 12?
Me: No thanks, just nine
Mac Donalds worker: But it would be better value to have 12
Me: (Maybe he misheard me) No. THANK. you. Nine will be fine.
Mac Donalds worker: It will cost you just 10cent extra for three more chicken nuggets..
Me: (I'm sure my voice is working again..) NO THANK YOU! I WANT NINE!!
Mac Donalds worker: (Thinking I'm some CRAZZZY girl) Ok then....That will be €5.90.

What is it about this place? My regualar order is ALWAYS nine chicken nuggets and a large fries and this was the FOURTH time I've had this conversation with the peeps who earn their doh' at Maccy D's..I don't care that its better value to have TWELVE chicken nuggets. I only want to eat NINE! Is that such a big deal?! The cashiers don't even have to package the nuggets, that's someone else's job! I only want NINE ok??!! So stop trying to push your extra three on me. I DONT WANT THEM! I mean afterall, I am trying to eat healthily you know?? Jeeesh...

An Aside note, My friend found this on the net for me so I thought I'd post it. And yes, my friend DOES have a LOT of time on her hands. Unlike me...Oooh, I got to go, there's paint about to dry on the wall over there! I'll blog tomorrow, have a nice day!

"In the movies, if you have a ghost problem, you call Ghostbusters; if a train is about to hit you, you call Superman; but in real life and at the law school, when you have a facilities problem, you call Rosie. Whether it be new paint for the bridge, new batteries for the clocks, a slippery floor, lights out, doors locked, temperature too hot or too cold, one needs to call Rosie. Rosie Fitzgerald is our building supervisor. She has an excellent working relationship with the people from Physical Plant; therefore, when Rosie calls, they send someone immediately."