Saturday, November 11, 2006


"Saturday, Natterday, Eat more, Get Fatter-day."
Today, was a day of new beginnings. I am finally definately getting better! Woot! And it feels great! Since sleeping 'propped up' I have been able to sleep nearly the whole night through. I like to leave Sky News turned on (on mute) while I sleep, so that when I wake in the night I can see what time it is. This was a lesson I learned in the middle of the week, when I woke up and turned on the tv to check the time, and was nearly BLINDED by it.

So this morning I woke up and swallowed, and I can officially state that my throat status has been downgraded again, and is now at 'marble ball'. In fact, its practically gone now.

So today...

  • I went ski-ing, and it must be said, I EXCELLED in my lessons. I really enjoyed it, and learned a lot. I'm now able to go much faster without fear of going belly up / bum down. I only fell the once. And at least it wasn't that bad. This guy in my class couldn't stop, and ended going up crossing over to the other slope. If it wasn't actually dangerous, I would have cracked myself laughing. I lie. I did in fact crack myself laughing anyway. Here's something I learned. The people in my group are very serious. They don't laugh when others fall. Rather they empahise with the frustration of a failed run. I on the other hand managed to laugh at every single fall. You see, its times like these, where maturity isn't exactly my forté.

  • I slept when I came home and then went out to Stillorgan, which is worthy of another blog for itself. The shopping centre is one of the few shopping malls left that are the old - open air with shelter- style. The shpos for the most part are pretty rundown. The place has an eerie feel to it. When I grew up, Stillorgan was the hot place, the hang out spot. Since Dundrum opened, that has all changed. They don't help themselves by closing all their shops at 6pm I might add. Anyway I was in Dunnes in Stillorgan, which was probably a high-tech shop in its day (its day being in the mid fifties) and it has a nifty escalator in it! Only up of course, because to have one coming down would just make too much sense. But its such a cramped shop, I just couldn't concentrate. So I left.

Anyway, I shan't go on about Stillorgan too much, as it depresses me slightly. But for anyone who cares, if you remember where Santa's house and the display conservatory used to go, they now have staires! It makes me laugh because the staires are the exact same ones as they have in Old Dundrum, but with less of an eighties feel to them.

Anyhoo, I'm off for the night now. I'm going to book my driving lessons tomorrow. Lets hope I don't drive Wrecklessly now!