Friday, November 17, 2006

Please be a donor!

There are one or two regular readers to this blog (namely EILEEN and when EILEEN hits the refresh button). So my two readers know all about how important organ donation is to people who are waiting on the list, but there is the slight case that some randomers pop along here from time to time, and so I think, since this will probably be my last blog before I jet away, I should say something a little serious for a change. That way it will be left up for a few days.

Organ donation changes lives. In your death you can litreally save the life of up to 6 or 7 people. Imagine having your best friend who was slowly dying. They were able to do less and less. They had less energy, they were sick more often. Hospital became their second home. They could no longer go shopping, go to school or work. Imagine that there was no cure for your best friend. There was nothing more that doctors could do for your best friend. You have memories which seem so distant now, of all the fun things you used to be able to do. You dream of all the fun things that you are going to do in the future, provided your best friend's life can be saved in time. All you could do is sit back and hope to goodness that soon the call would come before it was too late.

Because everyone of those people who are waiting so so desperately for the chance to have their lives back, is someone else's best friend. They too have parents, brothers, sisters, neighbours. These people who wait, are just that, ordinary people.

If you could, in death give a mother back her daughter, a father back his son, a boy back his father, and friend back her best friend, I can guarentee you that for these people, words would never be able to thank you enough. By being a donor, you are giving a gift which money simply can not buy. You are giving the gift of life.

I guess what brings me to post this post today, is that I am off travelling this weekend. It is because of a donor out there that I have this opportunity. I am someone's best friend. I am someone's daughter and sister. So if you do nothing this weekend, please think about organ donation. If you would like to get a donor card but can't find one, please let me know and I will get one for you! I have many friends who are waiting for their call. We hear about how many people are dying on the roads these days. But what we don't hear is of the number of people who die from lack of donors. Give the gift of life. Thank you.

~Don't give your organs to heaven....heaven knows we need them more here~