Monday, November 06, 2006

Bloods today...

FIRST THINGS FIRST! Thank you all so much for voting on virgin radio for Tony Blair. Turns out he won! WOOT WOOT. Congrats to Graham Marsh, who I hope he doesn't mind I've linked to his website. The money, as i said before, will go to FHLTA and Tyneside youth community centre (I will get that name right one day) and of course towards the costs of Graham's trip to the transplant games to Bangkok. Of course all of this has done great for promoting organ donors. Incidentally, I have some donor cards at the mo, should anyone wish to have one. (That's your Christmas pressie sorted Eileen!...Though of course you already have one...but you can now have two!)

  • Today I had bloods at the mater to monitor my anti-rejection levels. I arrived at 9.20 and to my delight I was called in at 9.25. For once i would be on time! In and out in 10 mins, was this too good to believe?....Well yes, infact it was. I thought that although I would have nothing to [complain] blog about today, I was happy because the Mater had finally got their acts together regarding time keeping.
  • I got in and we had the blood bottles all set out, the turnkey on my arm (tight thing to squeeze the the arm tight) WHEN the doctor's bleep went off.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. Dr XXXX has just arrived, sorry. You go wait outside please."

With that the doctor left the room. I can fully understand that the consultants time is precious, and transplant patients do need to be discussed. But at the same time, my anti-rejection levels NEED to be accurate, hence the blood NEEDS to be taken on time. Not an hour late OR an hour and a HALF late. It really would have taken 5minutes at the most to get my blood. ( I was warm, my veins were good today)

So at between 9.40 and 11.20 I sat and watched the end of the jermey Kyle show (My Ex-Boyfriend was violent, beat me up, nearly killed me BUT he is a good dad) and then some GMTV. I was supposed to take my anti-rejection meds at 10.15. The bloods were late, so once again an inaccurate result will be noted. I don't think they have EVER taken them on time.

I was in such a rush to get out of the place though, that I FORGOT to get some water for my tablets. So sitting in the car, and not seeing any shops nearby sitting in traffic (Yes, I know,I was in the city centre) I ended up using the holy water I found in the car to take them with. Although my mom said it mightned be the cleanist, I didn't much care as I was already late, PLUS I think having drank holy water for the first time, my body is probably holy in some way. Therefore I should be ok, please God (pardon the pun)

  • Throat is still sore, but sterpsils should do the trick.
  • Got called back for my diabetes trial in Crumlin today, so it will be back to the original madhouse at the end of the month. I wonder have the taken down the Bosco painting up in Xray since I was last there
  • Babs, Pending results, my potion lotion MAY well be available to buy in the near future

Edited to Add: The staff in the mater (transplant nurses) are excellent it must be said, and its proabably not their fault that they don't like to try to take bloods from me. Its the running of the place that's higgle-ti-pigglity. ALSO: Crumlin is not really a madhouse. They are not [all] that mad in there!