Thursday, March 24, 2005

A Fantastic Review

Note: for all you non-medical people, there is an explanation of terms (appendix) at the end.

I am a week into my (hopefully) 2 week course of iv antibiotics. Last Wednesday I turned up to clinic, feeling more then a little 'wan' (see previous entries); my lung functions were way down, my sats levels in room air were poor. I was more then a little sick and I knew it. Had the winter vomitting bug not been in full swing, I would have had no option but to head straight to A+E and wait for a bed. But thanks to this bug, they were limiting their inpatients to 'very sick ones'. Meaning unless you were very sick, you stay the hell away. Now, here's when you know this is the case, and the doctor still considers bringing you in, you know you must be pretty sick. BUT, thanks to my persistance and with a little help from the physio, we convinced them to let me start the i.v.'s at home. (Note: In my time at vincent's I have NEVER been allowed go straight home on i.v.s)

So.......a week later and how am I doing?? (As if the title didn't give it away!)

My lung functions are up, my weight is up, and my sats are up. This is the first time in ages (definately since coming to Vincents), that I feel I've got good lung function results without even trying. I don't mean that in a physical sense, I mean I always try my hardest. But the last few times, I've been so desperate, like saying ''c'mon, I can do better, why aren't they going up?'' and always been a bit disappointed. This time, I came in and did them, and was delighted with my results, first time around. And as for the weight, again, a total surprise, I'm the heaviest I've ever been! Again, it feels as though I've not been trying! So I've put a comparison of my results below:

Date: 15/3
PFTS %=22%
PFTS L =0.70L

Date: 23/3
PFTS %=31%
PFTS L= 0.99L

This is really promising, because keep in mind, I am only half way through my course of ivs! And btw, since I am in such a good mood, now might be the time to ask me for favours or money! LOL.....

Explanation of terms:

Pfts: Pulmonary function tests - sees how well your lungs are functioning by measuring how much air you can blow our in one second. As you can see my lungs are only functioning at 31% of what they should be.
PFTs L = the amount you can blow out
PFTs %= what that percent is
Lung functions- exactly the same as PFTs

Sats: Saturation levels- A test to see what percentage of oxygen is at the furthest point away from your heart (either your fingers or toes). In a healthy person this should be 100%, but anything over 95% is good. If below 90% you should wear oxygen.

I.V. antiobiotics: Antiobiotics that are given intravenously. This means that instead of your run of the mill tablet, the antiobiotic goes straight into you veins, thus into your bloodstream. They are stonger and more effective then tablets. In my case I am on two antibiotics. One is given once a day and the other is given three times a day.

LOL= laugh out loud. It is an involuntary action of the body in response to something funny.