Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Today I finished my registration in college, as I had to register with the medical people in there.... for obvious reasons.

I met one nurse on Monday, who I had met before my transplant (when I started two years ago). We just updated the file, adding 'diabetes' and 'transplant' to the list of reasons they hate to insure me in that place bonuses I have acquired.

She suggested I register with the college doctor so I got an appointment for today. She talked to me, and then wrote in all the medications I was on (which were mostly all new ones since two years ago). We chatted about all sorts, well, mostly ME obviously! She then said how she felt I looked rather caught up (chesty). Not exactly what I wanted to hear! I explained that it was bucketing it outside and I had run from the carpark because due to parking I was running (quite literally) a bit late(!).

And the part that made it all worthwhile: Seems she (the doctor) worked as a PHLEBOTOMIST (that being a person who prods for blood) on work experience and it has 'stood to her'. AND she said she'd be allowed to take my bloods for clinic! I could feel all my little veins around my body, collapsed and non collapsed ones, come to the surface - I think they like her!

We then discussed needles, techniques, veins, ME, and I was on my way. I have a few phonecalls to make and hopefully we'll have a plan of action before my next clinic visit!

Considering I'm down (well, sort of, not quite *down* but aware of) with a sore throat at the moment, I'm sure getting the bloods out of the way will mean I'm only sitting in clinic for 7-8 hours!

... Or 8-9 hourse if I have to tidy up after certain people at the breakfast table, thus delaying me...not mentioning names...but the FRUIT & FIBRE doesn't have LEGS you know!!!