Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Second Post:

I returned from the hospital at about mid-day, after picking myself up yet another MacDonalds. It was definately weird being back in that hospital. I met a trillion faces, hence I was there so long. The phlebotomists (blood takers) reminded me of their super powers and got blood within two seconds. I went into the 'Tower' where I used to always go to see docs and medical people. Wow, they have upgraded! Flat screen tvs, games consoles, the works!

I was showed how to work the little monitor, except the lowest blood sugar you can enter is 2.2. I asked the doctor what I should do if my sugar went below that (as it has done). She looked at me puzzled and I said 'Well like, what happens if its 1.8? Its been that before...' She looked startled and said 'Um....don't do that'. HELLO! Okay then I won't! Gosh if it was that easy to control my sugars I wouldn't be a frigging diabetic now would I?!

The other doctor, Dr Steeeeeeve was alarmed when I told him that my 6 week sugar was 11.5. To be honest, I wanted to cry. I didn't think it was that bad...

As I said, I met loads of old faces which was really lovely. I met my fantastic dietician, who I battled with for years. Actually she battled with me. I just always agreed with her. But then didn't gain any weight. I think it was good to show her that I finally have mastered the whole 'eating and weight gaining thing'. She herself is looking really great!

Also bumped into my physio who looked after me for the first time when I was diagnosed aged 6months old. I went down to the wards and met my old ward sister, who didn't recognise me and just asked could she help me.

The only thing I noticed was how narrow the coridoors were! I always remember them as massive. I guess when you spend months in big hospitals they're not so big.

Anyhoo a nice morning over all. EILEEN I'm glad you are enjoying the animals. Don't wear them out now! x