Saturday, November 25, 2006

Saturday, Natterday, Eat more, Get Fatterday....

  • Friday was an abysmal day. I was awoken at about 7.40am because I had to go to the Mater for my bloods as I slept through my appointment on Thursday. It was quite literally pouring out of the heavens. My mom offered me a lift as far as college where I could catch a connecting bus, but in my slumber, the idea of standing in the rain wasn't very appealing. So I chose the easier option, of turning over in bed and going back to sleep. I awoke again at about 9am and the rain was still pelting against my window, the sky a depressing grey colour. It looked like when you spill the water to clean your paintbrush all over a painting. Frustrating and depressing. I seriously considered staying in bed, but considering it was Friday I felt I should probably go. I legged it to the luas, without an umbrella and got the luas into town. I then caught a taxi to the Mater, and succeeded in staying relatively dry throughout my journey.

  • I just missed one of my transplant friends but as it happened bumped into another. The clinic was really quiet, and I was actually done only 30mins late! Has to be a record!

Results are: My anti-rejection medication is at the right level. BUT my diabetes control is abysmal. They are able to measure how your level has been over 6 weeks (don't ask me how!)and mine has been far too high. I reckon though, that these last two weeks have been good, so if that continues, my next test should be a good bit better.

  • Later today I have my ski-ing lesson. This should be interesting considering the current weather, I may well need a stop off at A+E on my way home after! I mean wet slopes and skies aren't generally the best combination. I guess that's why I call it 'Falling down a mountain in style"

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all my wonderful friends (again - gosh I'm gushing about all of you these days) for being just that, friends! To the ones that knock down bins, (lets call her Helen L....No wait, far to obvious...How about H.Lambert!) to the ones that....Err....Gosh is she the only one of my friends who does stupid things?? No wait, there's always Eileen! Well anyway I HEART you all! And I mean ALL!

Oooo, would you look at that, good ole Johnny Ross is on. Talk later! x