Wednesday, June 20, 2007

In anticipation of my Diabetes Clinic next week, I popped along to the hospital to get my bloods done today. I had foolishly left my forms for the blood test sitting on my windowsill many weeks ago, so the ink had faded and disappeared. I got someone to fill it in again, but realised too late that I had in fact needed to be fasting. Whoops. Considering I don't really think there's much wrong with me, I don't think I'll bother mentioning that error to the doctor.

This hospital is St Vincents (where I was treated pre-transplant), and has had their outpatients department and clinics all done up since I left. A lot of people complain that it is SUCH a waste of space, as there is a huge big...foyer thing, and the wards are still over crowded. But it must be said, it *is* marvellously pretty!! I'm sure if i still attended that place inpatient I wouldn't agree though..

The stomach bug is ripe yet again, and despite FOUR sterile hand soap things that are put in front of you before you can enter, *I* was the only person I saw use them. Everyone always ignores them - it's terrible. I'm sending an email off to some investigating programme to get them to secretly film these buffoons.

I had blood taken first go(!!!!), by a phlebotomist who I happen to know. I know where she lives too so I shall now go and knock on her door next time the Mater requests my presence for bloods!

Keep the questions coming if you happen to have any!