Non Stop Fuuun
Yesterday I went to the races courtesy of G-raze. It was Lady's Day there so there was a lot of fabulous style, spectacular glamour and over all amazingness..... and the other people looked nice too(!). I jest. I'd never been to the races before so it was a rather exciting affair for me. Thanks to G-raze's Dad we had the luxury of sitting in the bar too, which was set up with a big screen, the Tote people who walked around as well as...well a bar, whooop!
Financially I went to the ATM and money came out, so that was a huge success for me! I broke even at the end of the day so again, success. That was probably helped by the fact that I didn't do much betting. At all. Ahem. My brother had a good day though and I'm a very sharing person so that was great!
I had a bit of a weird moment the night before when I got a text saying that we were going at about 11.30am. For some reason I instinctively panicked about where I would find room/time to do my afternoon IV antibiotics. I don't know WHERE that came from, but the instant realisation that that wasn't actually a problem made me smile.
It was non-stop when we got home as we all (the family) had a secret party to go to. My other brother is moving Daaan Unda (that would be Oz) for a while so we had to say Bye-Bye by way of a surprise party. That was fun too. He didn't suspect a thing and he had a good night so all in all it was terrific.
Interestingly there were a few medical people-to-be there so it was fun/funny talking to them. One of them is now at 'intern' stage. The interns always made me shudder, although fortunately they were mostly all nice in my hospital. But still. There was that ONE fella who could never be wrong. And talking to me like that is never good. He even once mixed me up with another patient and never apologised. UGH. Anyway I managed to keep this bitterness from the intern I was chatting to last night.
I chatted to another doc-to-be who's studying in England and who I knew from school/ through a friend/ through random encounters involving market research. As it happens she has just done (or is doing?) a stretch on a cardio-respiratory ward. We discussed clubbing and little scars and other symptoms and we talked about my experiences with little medical students and my past life as a guinea pig for them. I believe I'm a party piece in myself these days.
Anyway the party was a huge success and it was lovely to see so many people who I haven't seen in yonks (ahem KM and Cli) and to just generally boogie. Life is fun.
I Added A New Photo Of My Little Sanda --->