I learned...
...That my maths skills are non existant. I can count and add and subtract and divide and multiply - all the important parts - in my head exceedingly quickly but apart from that... I know nout.
We did aptitude tests in fourth year in school, and the results came out in percentile style (luckily my skills extend to this at least) and it showed that I was very 'numerical' but not highly mathematical.... I think that means all what I said above ( I can add fast) but that I can't solve problems involving John and Ann and filling baths with one tap in 30minutes, and having birthdays twice the age of the other...
Anyway statistics is a big part of psychology and I need to find a way to do them. And work them out. And do stuff with them.
In the meantime I will leave you with the cream of the crop of serious television ads on TV at the moment. This has been reenacted on more buses then I can count.