Well it's been 21 hours since I got my grubby hands on the last and final *weep* Harry Potter installment and I've read one chapter. Yes, one. I decided to save it for two weeks time when I can read it beside the pool in Spain. But then, being the ridiculously indescive and fickle person that I am, I changed my mind an hour ago.
G-raze, her sister (Mini G-raze), me and my sister and my "Hello, I'm way too cool to queue for Harry Potter" brother went and queued for Harry Potter. We were gobsmacked when we turned up to our local book shop and actually had to queue for the darn thing! Our bookshop is smaller then a public loo; and that queue was dang-darn long! And just for any Harry Potter dislikers, there were very few children in the queue so huh.
I think we actually missed the official launch because there was no whooping and cheering (apart from myself and Mini G-raze singing the Harry Potter tune). That or our queue were rather tired and only there out of curiosity or to buy the latest Oxford dictionary. When we saw the first book holders walk past us, we muttered MUDBLOODS under our breaths and cursed 'Pesky Muggles!' at them....Oh wait, maybe that was just me.... Ahem.
Anyway I was going to bring it to work today. But I'm fickle. And couldn't make up my mind. So I didn't.
Work was boring-ring-ring. We had about 20 customers in TOTAL. I spent some time mopping the floor where I nearly broke my neck by jumping over a wet patch and ended up doing a piroutte and tango with the mop before steadying myself. THAT was embarrasing. Especially when the pharmacist saw and I had to act like I was all cool and fine when secretly my big toe was actually throbbing! But then you see I have dignity. Unlike (keep you speakers on! It will be 1 minute and 25 seconds of your day spent well):