Aidan Power: I must have been confused - I think THIS is organ donation week...or else it runs for two weeks? You'd think I would know, but have I ever mentioned how disorganised I am?
Anyway, if you ever watch Neighbours or Home&Away on RTÉ2, in between those, there's a bit of presenting that goes on. They do about 4minute slots and you hear what's coming up next and occasionly they have guests in doing various things. Tonight, I'm going to be one of those guests guessed it (OK pretend you did!)...organ donation week. Thankfully it's only a three minute slot where I tell him what my situation was, why I needed a trasnplant and how my life has been since.
EILEEN and my WHOLE FAMILY are telling me to get a plug in for the table quiz, but I'd feel so embarrassed!! I'll try my best but it doesn't look too bright! I mean I don't want to 'doorstep' the whole TV thing. (Doorstep kind of means you take something or someone and then get them to talk about something YOU want)
Now is it just me, or does Aidan Power look REALLY like Dermot O'Leary??