Thursday, February 08, 2007

To the people who commented about the farting incident yesterday, did I not make myself clear? It wasn't ME who did it, it was my friend, "Posie"!!!

I just saw an ad on TV for diet coke (mmmm) with a man standing on top of a bus and shouting to the world. At the bottom of the screen it says "Carried out under controlled conditions; do not attempt to recreate or reenact stunts shown''......Well DUH! It seems nowadays everyone is doing parenting.

I guess that puts an end to our plans we had to recreate the next ad we see for diet coke then Eileen. *cry*

Last night it was Big E's birthday party. That's right, Eileeeeeeeen! Of course I only realised this when I drove past her house and saw an empty front room with millions of balloons and a young girl inside crying. Being the good Samaritan I ran up to the door and discovered that it was her birthday party but nobody had shown up. So, I made a few calls and got my friends to come. Everyone was all over me, showering me with attention, thinking it was my birthday, but with people actually there, at least Eileen looked cool in front of her parents.

Anyway, we got the Luas from Dundrum into town and went to an over 21s bar (apparently) but I didn't even get asked for id. I then saw people getting refused outside! Wow I felt cool! There was a lot of walking involved and it felt fab not dreading it all. I also wore flat boots so it was easy too. I shall talk about my views on footwear tomorrow as I think everyone should know my opinion. (Duh!) After that we went to a club nearby. It was fun. We had fun. The music

I rolled into the house just before three and fell asleep...for a long time. So I went into work for this afternoon. It was snowing and raining, and rather miserable weather wise, but I enjoyed the day anyway!