One reason why I'm useless in an emergency:
I was standing out on the landing the afternoon, when I heard an almighty crash! Fearing the worst, I went in search of the sound, and ran upstairs (to the attic). Half way up I met my mom who was running down. Puzzled, I asked her had she heard the bang. She looked at me as if with two heads, and said 'Yea, it came from downstairs...'. Oops. So down I went running, and ran into the tree (not literally in-to the tree, but to where the tree was) to inspect any damage, but the tree was stood up innocently. Then to the kitchen, and again, everything looked Hunky Dorey. Living room, hall, conservatory, dog, all check. A few moments passed and I found my mom and sister in the downstairs loo (Not literally in-the loo, but where the loo was) and it was THEN i discovered the picture that had fallen down. (This isn't the picture I mentioned a few blogs ago I might add, we have quite a collection in our downstairs bathroom). See, if this had been a person, I would have been on the wrong floor, searching the rooms frantically for the injured party. How long would it have taken me to locate the right floor, the right room, the right scene?! Too long me thinks. Maybe this was to do with my 'one lesson of First Aid' I took. I was immediately turned off by 'Annie' the armless naked torso to which we were to administer resuscitation. Now, how could someone like me do something like that and not laugh?!...
- Slept in for my bloods, and shock horror, they actually noticed my absence!! Or maybe it was the silence around the clinic they noticed..Anyway, I'm in tomorrow instead. Yippee. My Scoooothish transplant nurse instructed me to wear gloves. So if he laughs when I turn up with my ski gloves on, I'll just give him a dirty look...or something. That'll be sure to teach him!