Sally's adventures...(1)
As I mentioned, Sally was my new travel buddy. I obviously wasn't able to take photos of myself while travelling, so the camera was used on Sally. The photos below are of day one. We caught the flight to Marseille and then took a bus to the train station, where we caught a train to Montepellier. Confusing, but I managed anyway. As did Sally.<- This photo isn't of Sally (obviously), but the guy beside me was wearing an Arran Island sweater. To me, wearing one of those is like wearing a flashing neon sign around your neck that screams 'TOURIST', so it annoys me! Of course there are some Arran sweaters that are lovely, and very nice, but on the other hand they also have these ones. At least this one was just one colour. The American in front had a multi coloured thing.
This is Sally in the train station. We ended up waiting about an hour and a half for our train. Also, when I was using the machine to get my ticket, I clicked the 'adult' ticket instead of the '18-25yr old' one. So I paid a little bit extra. I only wish I could blame my mistake on my lack of French, but alas, the machine was in English. The train was beautifully comfortable, and there were only two other people in my carraige. I got a marvellous view of the countryside and saw loads of traditional French farmhouses. Marseille itself has a level of poverty I had never encountered here (or perhaps I just choose not to see it here). I was a little bit surprised and taken aback. Once we came out of the Marseille region, however, to areas less industrialised it wasn't too bad (or perhaps obvious)
<-This is Sally as we were pulling out of the station. She loves trains.
Although not entirely obvious in this photo, the weather was a stunning 21*C. So after arriving in my hoodie, scarf and heavy jacket, boots and jeans, I felt a little 'hot under the coller' and a quick change was nessecary. Luckily I had that extra 90 minutes to do it though!
And finally, because I think I have put enough of Sally on the train, Sally made a new pal called Donna. And this is them getting cosy in the apartment. (below)
That was all day one. I was lucky to have two seats to myself on the plane, which meant I could stretch out and sleep, which I did do. A weird thing I noticed aside from Arran jumpers and poverty was that when I woke up on the plane, I was staring at the ceiling for a while, and then saw that I was sitting in seat 27a. 27a, for those of you who did not send me cards(haha) , was the transplant unit I recovered on after my transplant. This was my first trip after my transplant. You see???? .....Well I thought it was rather interesting. I shall do more of Sally's trip tomorrow!x