Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Second Post:

  • I have just seen the news and Gordon Brown's child has been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. ( Gordon Brown is a politician in the UK, HELEN ). He is four months old. Although, all indications are that he is healthy enough, so touch wood this continues.

  • Dentist went fine and I need no work done. I share my Dentist with my mom. She has been going to him since she was 16/17. He was thrilled (understatement) to hear about my transplant in the summer, and was delighted to see me. For once he did most of the talking!

  • I had yoga tonight, but having the monitor stuck to me proved a little tricky. Plus the lady beside me farted. And what's worse, she completely ignored the fact that she farted with no 'Oh excuse me'. I guess she was hoping nobody noticed the loud 'PARP' noise. Well I did...

  • Tomorrow I have a double driving lesson and I'm dreading it. Why can't driving be easy??

The NEW URL for my BLOG IS:

Early Post:

***It would appear, despite the fact that my two friends have their own animals, they continue to bicker and argue! Something about monkeys having killer viruses and monkeys being better then dogs. Honestly, there is no pleasing some people! ***

Arggh! Having flipped around the channels to find some music (as listening on my laptop eats into the battery) I have just found '20 Best Christmas Songs Ever' on Magic! Hello! Still November here people! I am not anti Christmas or anything, but there is a time and a place. And that time is not now, nor is that place here. Bahhh-humbug.

Dentist at 11.15am. Yay! I'm actually pretty proud of myself, having avoided the Dentist for 6 years, I finally went back as it was mandatory if you wanted to join the queue for a new organ. Anyway, no work to be done, my wisdom teeth were not yet wise enough to come out and I was told to come back in 6months, so though I'm about three months late, I shall be there in the end. I hope the Dentist keeps that in mind when he is asking me questions while sticking a yoke thingy in my mouth, rendering me unable to talk. Although that didn't stop me the last time, he ended up telling me to shut up "for just for thirty seconds." Oops. My bad! Enough said...x