Saturday, October 14, 2006

My Home and Away blog

***When my website is up and running, there will be a page dedicated to Home and Away. Until then, I'll post my home and away blogs here.***

October 12 2006

Well whoo-hoo, Cassie left Macca today! In yesterday’s episode he hit her again! So she finally had had enough. There were a few tear jerker moments, like when Cassie was looking in the mirror and pulled back her hair to show her bruise. Then when Belle (The Mischa Barton look-a-like) accused Cassie of all sorts on the beach, Cassie had ALL her hair combed over her face( looked a bit like the BACK of her head), so Belle (Mischa Barton’s TWIN) couldn’t see, so thus she didn’t understand!
There was a lot ‘going to get fresh air’ walks on the beach today. And Alf (Mr Stewart to me and you) got his ‘Mongrel’ line in here and there. Elsewhere we saw a bit of Martha and Jack planning their wedding... A good episode. 8/10.